Alphabetical order |How to arrange words in alphabetical order | ABC order |
Alphabetical order |How to arrange words in alphabetical order | ABC order |
Alphabetical order |How to arrange words in alphabetical order | ABC order | Arrange words in alphabetical order| What is alphabetical order? | learn alphabetical order or and order |
In this video, you will learn how to arrange words in alphabetical order with simple rules.
The words which begin with letter A comes first followed by letter B, then C, Then D and so on...
If the words have the same first letter then, you have to see the second letter of the words and if the second letter is also same then followed by the third letter of the word.
For an eg. man, manage, mango, mangy, manhood, manifest, manikin, manner, many, map, mask, mason, match etc.
Here as you can see all the words have first two letters the same (I.e ma ). In such a case, you have to see the third letter of the words that are n, a, t. Among these words letter n comes first, so we have to see the words that have third letter n and after that fourth letter beginning with A till Z.
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